Support Local Dairies

The best way to support local dairy farms is to DRINK WHOLE MILK!

As dairy farm families, we treat our cattle like family. The cows and calves are fed before we eat. Their health and well-being often come before our own.

Dairy farming is both a business and a cherished way of life.

Milk is one of the original farm-to-table foods, and it’s one of the freshest products you can find at your local grocery store. Like “in season” ‘local’ produce, milk is always in-season! Real Dairy Milk comes from dairy farmers who feed, milk and care for their cows 365 days a year -- providing milk for all of us all year long!

Nationally, 95% of dairy farms are family owned and operated.

To see where your milk was bottled, check the plant code stamp on the top of the milk bottle near the expiration date, or sometimes the plant code is printed on the label. Plug the number into this website to see where it was bottled:

The first two numbers of the plant code represent the state. To view a list of state codes, see below (milk-plant codes by state). See picture below for state codes.

State FIPS Code Number
State FIPS Code Number
State FIPS Code Number

To choose local Real Whole Milk, look for state seals (like PA Preferred in Pennsylvania) or the REAL® Seal. Talk to your grocer about how they source their store brand milk. Look for brand names on farm signs in your area showing who they supply. To read more on choosing REAL dairy products go to

Whole Milk often has a Red Cap, but some brands use a different color scheme for the different fat percentages, so check the label. Other Real Milk options are available for digestively sensitive people to enjoy Real Milk’s nutritional benefits, such as real milk processed to be lactose-free, real milk from cows naturally producing only A2 protein, and real milk with lactaid enzymes added. Fermented and probiotic real milk drinks like kefir, acidophilus milk, probiotic milk and drinkable yogurt are also options.

Your local dairy farmers care about the care of their cows and the quality of your milk!

Here are what some local farmers have to say to you…